The guild has collected a number of tutorials and information resources, both in video and document format. The descriptive listing below provides links to these learning resource.

 NAME (Link)
Tool Buying Advice Larry Wade PDF  Accumulated opinions about buying tools 
Stylized Beaver Ruth Sheeley PDF  Excerpt from The Mallet, How to Carve the Stylized Beaver 
Paint Brushes Kelley Stadelman  PDF Handout from her 9/12/23 Presentation 
Carving Safety Manual  Larry Wade PDF The current version of our carving safety practices 
Oregon's Carousels - Past, Present, and Future Larry Wade PDF  Oregon's Carousels 
Work Holding Examples Various PDF  Collection of many examples from members 

Comfort Animal Resources 

 VIDEO Numerous Ways to Make Comfort Birds - Zoom recording 5-10-22 
(click on the descriptions) Diane Balch  PDF Patterns of Comfort Birds, scaled (compliments Diane Balch) 
 Larry Wade  VIDEO Interview with Don Foust (75 minutes) 
 Larry Wade  VIDEO Interview with Diane Balch 
  Roger Crooks VIDEO Basics of band sawing blanks (12 minutes) 
  Roger CrooksVIDEO  Summary of band sawing blanks (5 minute version) 

Jim Spitzer
Roger Crooks 

 VIDEO Jim Spitzer sanding, clamping and other techniques 
  Don FoustVIDEO  Frank Foust ROUGH OUT video 
  Don FoustVIDEO  Frank Foust  SMOOTH OUT video 
 Diane Balch  PDF Photo examples from Diane Balch 
  Don FoustPDF Presentation slides from Zoom presentation of May 10, 2022 
Stropping White PaperRoger CrooksPDF Class handout 
 Stropping Video Roger Crooks VIDEO  Companion to the white paper 
Power Tools for Carvers Roger Crooks VIDEO  A presentation and demonstration of power tools used in carving. This covers a very wide range of power tools for both carving and finishing.
How to Carve Wood Spirits Terry Burnside VIDEO  A step by step tutorial on carving a traditional wood spirit. This instruction combines techniques of well know wood carvers.
How to Carve Wood Spirits Terry Burnside PDF  A companion guide to the video series "How to Carve Wood Spirits" listed above.  
Portable Carving Workbench Plans and Description Larry Wade PDF  Construction details for the Guild's carving workbenches  
Carving the Dog from Beginning to End Terry Burnside VIDEO  
 Carving the Dog from Beginning to EndTerry Burnside PDF  

  Beginning Linoleum Carving and Printing

  How to do Linoleum Block Carving

  Inspiration and Linoleum Carving Technique

 Jordan Makower PDF  Collection of Linoleum carving documents he wrote  

   Creating and Maintaining Member Photo Albums

Terry Burnside
 A step-by-step how-to guide for creating personal photo galleries. A guild member may create up to 10 albums, each with up to 50 photos.  
 Photo Gallery (below) Jordan MakowerPhotos Examples of his work 

Address: Oregon Carvers Guild, 3110 NW Linmere Dr, Portland, Oregon 97229
Email: oregoncarvers@gmail.com

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