Calling all Carvers
Calling all carvers - experienced or beginners. We want to provide wood carving opportunities for those in or around Newberg. If experienced, come hangout, carve with us, and share your knowledge.
If you are new to carving, consider taking one or more of the weekly January classes
We have three classes for beginners. No experience is required, and all tools and supplies are provided. Each class stands alone so you can take one or all three. If there is enough interest, the series will be repeated and other carving classes will be explored. The three classes in their sequence are:
Whittling - Week 1, uses only a knife to create a stylized otter.
Incised - Week2, uses a V tool to create a sign like the "Dogs Welcome"
Relief - Week 3, uses three tools to create a floral pattern
DATES/TIMES - 3 hours, dates as noted, bring food or snacks as needed
COST - free tuition, wood, tools, and saftey glove. You can borrow tools after the classes.
WORKSHOP LEADERS: Larry Wade, (503-312-7745, and Jeff Osborne (971-715-1403, Larry is the leader of the Oregon Carvers Guild and Jeff is a Newburg resident.
WOOD - Basswood or White Pine